Daisy Award
Daisy Award

The Daisy Award


Daisy Award Logo

The DAISY Award is an international program that rewards and celebrates the clinical skill and compassionate care given by extraordinary nurses every day. The DAISY Award is designed to recognize nurses whose clinical skills and compassionate care exemplify the type of nurse that our patients, their families and our staff recognize as outstanding role models.

The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Foundation was established in 1999 by the family of J. Patrick Barnes who died at age 33 of complications from an autoimmune disease. During Pat’s eight-week hospitalization, his family was awestruck by the care and compassion his nurses provided Pat and his entire family. In Pat’s memory, his family created a foundation with the goal of recognizing extraordinary nurses who make an enormous difference in countless people’s lives every day.

Montefiore St. Luke’s Cornwall Nursing has adopted Joanne Duffy's Quality Caring as the model of our nursing practice which exemplifies our nursing division’s mission. Please help us recognize nurses who demonstrate compassionate care.

MSLC DAISY Award Winners

Nomination forms are located in every patient care area. You can also nominate via email at DaisyAward@montefioreslc.org​.