Diabetes Self-Management Program
Personal Counseling, Group Classes, Support Groups & More
The diabetes self-management program offered by Montefiore St. Luke’s
Cornwall empowers patients to understand and live with the disease. While
careful monitoring and certain adjustments are necessary, many diabetics
lead active lifestyles. Our team approach will help you understand all
the factors that go into managing the day-to-day realities of living with
diabetes. By enrolling in the program you will have the opportunity to
learn important coping skills from:
- MSLC’s Certified Diabetes Educators
- Certified Physical Trainers
- Licensed Social Workers
- MSLC’s Care Transitions Team
Call us today at (845) 568-2878 and let us help you design a program that fits your needs!
What You'll Learn
- DIABETES OVERVIEW: This introductory lesson separates fact from fiction, explaining what diabetes is, and its effects on the body. Learn the differences between Type I and Type II Diabetes, and the ways in which they are treated.
- MONITORING GLUCOSE/EXERCISE: Learn the various methods used to monitor blood sugars, the importance of home testing and record keeping, and the role exercise plays in managing blood sugar and improving overall well-being.
- MEDICATION/INSULIN: Find out about various oral diabetes medications and insulin, and how they work.
- STRESS/SOCIAL SUPPORT: Learn how stress can alter blood sugars, healthy ways to manage stress, and how to identify and rely on support systems. Nutrition Proper diet is essential to the management of diabetes. A dietitian discusses a variety of dietary treatment options.
- COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES: Learn the causes of, and treatment for acute blood sugar reactions, and the possible long-term side effects of unmanaged diabetes.
- REDUCING THE RISKS: Many diabetes-related problems of the skin, vision, feet and teeth can be avoided by taking precautions. Learn ways to reduce your risk.
- SICK DAYS/TRAVEL MANAGEMENT: Learn how minor illnesses such as cold or flu can affect diabetes, and how you can manage it. Tips for safe, relaxed travel are also covered, as are community resources for diabetics. Local resources that diabetics may access for further information or follow-up care are also discussed.
Even if you’re not currently enrolled in the program, call our hotline at (845) 568-2878.
The Diabetes Self-Management Program is recognized by the American Diabetes Association and is covered by most health insurance plans. Classes are held at both Montefiore St. Luke’s Cornwall’s Newburgh campus, 70 Dubois Street, and Cornwall campus, 19 Laurel Avenue. For more information on this program, or the Diabetes Support Group, call (845) 568-2878.
Download the Diabetes Lifestyle Lessons Pamphlet today!