Journey through the Emergency Department
We Use the Proven Triage Prioritization Method
At the Montefiore St. Luke’s Cornwall emergency department, we strive to get patients the critical care they need as fast as possible. Using a proven prioritization and assessment system known as the Triage method, we make sure patients in the greatest need of attention are seen first.
What to expect when you visit the emergency department:
- Registration - You will meet a registrar who will log your complaint and place an ID BAND on you. Please leave this ID band on as it is how staff will identify you.
- Triage - After quick registration, you will meet with a Registered Nurse (RN), either in a treatment bay or in Triage. The nurse will assess the potential severity of your complaint and assign a TriageCategory. Often, patients who arrive after you may be seen ahead of you based on this Triage Category.
- Treatment Room - You may remain in the room you were triaged in or you may be placed elsewhere in the department. Please note that room changes are common, especially on the Fast Track side of the ED.
- Nursing Assessment - An RN will assess you further, reviewing your medical history and medications future and performing a nursing examination as needed.
- Provider Assessment - A physician, physician's assistant or nurse practitioner will see you and review your complaint, medical history and current and recommend a treatment plan. This may involve any or all of the following; Education, testing; i.e. labs, x-rays, or other diagnostic tests, diagnosis and treatment. Once the Provider has everything they need to make a recommendation about your care, they will inform you of the complete plan.
- After Care - Our team will recommend whether you will be discharged home, admitted, or transferred to another hospital. You will be kept informed of our recommendations.
- Visitors - We generally welcome up to two (2) visitors per bedside in the main ED and one (1) in the Fast Track area. Children under the age of 17 must be accompanied by an adult guardian. There are times when we will change visitation, we ask that you cooperate with staff as it they are considering the safety of all when we must deviate from our traditional visitation.