Academic Offerings
The Internal Medicine Residency Program provides a wide range of academic
programs to supplement trainees' clinical training experiences. Didactic
schedule primarily revolves around the Academic Half Day (AHD) and will
be developed yearly to be repeated each year, reinforcing values and providing
opportunities for residents to revisit the lessons.
Academic Half day
The program holds a weekly half-day didactic block on Wednesday afternoons,
which is protected for residents' education. Academic Half-day includes
an EKG and radiology series, Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program®
(MKSAP)- based board review, faculty-driven lectures, institutional requirements,
wellness and group-based activities, simulation sessions, and journal
clubs. This didactic series curriculum includes general and subspecialty
medicine topics, wellness and leadership activities, and non-clinical
topics like coding and billing, pharmacy services, clinical documentation,
ethics updates, communication, and more.
Thursday Grand Rounds
The Department of Medicine streams grand rounds on Thursday mornings from
Montefiore university Hospital. Medicine grand rounds features internal,
local and national experts discussing cutting-edge clinical and basic
science research and updates in clinical practice.
PEAC Hopkin’s Modules
Clinic teams are given protected time to complete and discuss assigned
PEAC Hopkins, High-value care, and QI modules from the IHI Institute.
Afternoon lectures
The program holds afternoon educational sessions three days a week. These
sessions are mostly dedicated to clinical case discussions and board reviews.
Simulation Curriculum
The program has collaborated with a local community college and EM faculty
to develop a simulation curriculum. Simulation sessions are held four
times a year and are led by EM faculty. These sessions cover medical emergencies.
In addition, the critical care department also holds procedural simulations.